
Tips and advice about keeping your central heating working properly

Tips and advice about keeping your central heating working properly this winter

Well as we reach the depths of winter we thought you might appreciate a few top tips for these winter months. Did you know that UK houses are some of the most draughty in Europe? With that in mind here are some top tips to keep you a bit warmer and saving those precious pounds before Christmas!!

Windows and Warmth

Keeping you curtains open during the day to let in any natural sunshine and warmth will help to warm up your rooms. Its then important to keep your curtains closed at night to keep the precious warmth in. As obvious as this sounds, try and keep the windows well sealed.

Maximising your Radiators Efficiency

As tempting as it is to quickly dry your clothes on the radiators, try and keep them free from excessive towels and clothes so that the heat can circulate the rooms. Consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient boiler or central heating system. It makes sense to trade in your old one for a more modern version so have a chat to one of our boiler experts. It could save you £££’s in central heating costs. Also make sure you get the radiator serviced by a one of our Gas Engineers if you have any concerns about its efficiency.
If you have any unused radiators around the house, be sure to turn them off and save heating a room that doesn’t need to be over the winter. If the pressure in your boiler is too low, you can top it up by using the filling loop, which is a little tap (usually located on or near your boiler) which you turn to top-up the system with enough extra water to bring the pressure back up.
Regularly replace heating system filters and consider a power flush to make sure you really get the most out of your radiators.

Drafty Doors

You may notice drafts coming through your front door or any other exterior so why not fit out the door frames with draft-resistant foam strips? You’ll really notice the difference.

Tips about water heating

Turn your water thermostat down to 48C (120 F), this will save you money as well as provide a safety measure for any kids in your house.

Install low-flow shower heads

Try to use the energy-saving settings on washing machines and dishwashers. You could also wash clothes in cold water.

So we hope these top tips can help you over the Christmas period to keep you cosy and warm and also to help make your energy usage more efficient. Call us on 01473 824884 if you would like one of our engineers to visit your home.

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